When you create a TI process to load data do you use the Metadata tab to add new elements? If you are loading large volumes of data and are only adding new elements (not re-building the entire dimension) you should use:
DimensionElementInsertDirect ( Dimensionname, InsertionPoint, ElementName, ElementType) – will add the element to the dimension only
DimensionElementComponentAddDirect ( Dimensionname, ParentName, ChildName, Weight) – will add the element to the dimension and also update the hierarchy
This command works just like DimensionElementInsert and DimensionElementComponentAdd except DimensionElementInsertDirect and DimensionElementComponentAddDirect are valid on the Data tab and will add the new element before the CellPut command and not cause an error. Using this approach you can cut out the MetaData section and avoid processing the data source twice which in turn will speed up the process.